Our mission is to provide meaningful support to families living with autism across Canada.


We are a circle of friends and family, welcoming all to join. Together with our diverse community, we give everyone a place to belong and we make Jake’s House a home.

Autism families in Toronto, GTA, Kingston, Ottawa and Canada


Caring and compassionate, we respect difference and empathize with families affected by autism—and we encourage others to be aware, accepting and inclusive.

Autism volunteers in Toronto, GTA, Kingston, Ottawa and Canada


We are committed to providing social solutions that make a difference in families’ daily lives, as well as to developing a long-term support system for a better future.


We empower others to realize their strength and their potential. Inspiring hope through help, we open doors to new opportunities and we build a place of promise.

Jake’s House Initiatives

Jake’s House is a community that understands and cares, providing practical help and lasting hope to families living with autism.

We support individuals on the spectrum throughout their lifespans through four core initiatives: 1) Jake’s House Annual Holiday Parties, a 15-year tradition of bringing families together for a welcoming, fun and festive celebration; 2) Legends Mentoring Program, themed group mentoring workshops that provide youth with opportunities to learn skills, socialize and make friends; 3) Jake’s House Employment Mentoring, a program that supports the integration of young adults into the workforce; and 4) inclusive housing solutions, designed to address the growing housing gap in the autism community, giving more aging adults a place to call home.

Community Events

Jake’s House hosts fun, interactive events, designed to bring the autism community together and empower guests to socialize in safe and entertaining environments. Our signature event, the annual Holiday Party, has been welcoming and spreading joy amongst hundreds of families for 14 years. Currently hosted in Toronto and Ottawa, we are expanding to more cities across Canada.

Legends Mentoring Program

Through Legends Mentoring Program (LMP), Jake’s House provides personal support and social opportunities to individuals with autism. Paired with caring mentors, individuals with autism—or the mentees—gain a personal advocate to understand, encourage and guide them. Mentors and mentees spend regular, quality time together, developing relationships and sharing experiences that truly reward and can transform both sides.

Jake’s House Employment Mentoring

Jake’s House Employment Mentoring is an innovative, adaptable program that supports the integration of young adults with autism into the workforce. Through paid placements at companies in diverse fields, the young adults receive opportunities to develop their confidence, social skills and professional skills, under the guidance of a mentor, and demonstrate their strengths to employers looking to build their teams. As a business solution, this program connects companies with qualified candidates who are often inaccessible through traditional recruitment practices, and provides them with extended periods to assess their competencies and fits; it is a low-risk recruitment strategy that empowers employers to grow strong, diverse workforces.

younger hands kindly holding an elder man's hands in support

Community Living

Jake’s House is addressing the housing gap for Canadians with autism. Currently in development in collaboration with community partners from multiple sectors, our solutions will make a range of needed supports accessible, ensuring individuals’ unique needs are met. Soon, Jake’s House will be offering those who need it a place to call home.

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Jake’s House. Your community, your home.