Jake’s House Press Kit

Thank you for your interest in Jake’s House! Here you can find photos and copy that will help you share our story. For more info about working with us or for press inquiries, please send Katherine King, Stakeholder Engagement & Program Manager a note at katherineking@jakeshouse.ca or call us at (416) 274-5253.

In the News

“If it wasn’t for our oldest son and his kind of calming influence in our house, we would have really faced some big obstacles, so the basic idea was just to help out parents that were like us,” Bodanis said. “We didn’t want anybody to stand on the corner of Sick Kids and feel like they’re the only two people on the planet.

CBC News

“Jake’s House is about inclusivity, community, and love and that’s what you’ll feel here at the Jake’s House Holiday Party.”

London CTV News

“I want other people on the spectrum to follow their hopes and dreams. We’re different, but not less. If we can do it, they can too.”

City News Toronto

“[The Jake’s House Holiday Party is] a child’s dream come true, and for the hundreds of autistic children in attendance, it’s an experience that might not happen if it weren’t for the Bodanis family and the volunteers who help run Jake’s House.”

Canadian Living

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