“Critical to those within the autism community, is that they know they are being heard. As importantly, constant education is required to ensure that their special needs are understood by those who serve and protect them. Jake’s House commends and recognizes the efforts put forth by Peel Regional Police and their leadership under Chief Nishan Duraiappah. Collaboration will bring success and we are committed to being an active partner in the evolving discussion.”
Jennifer Joseph, Chief Executive Officer, Jake’s House
Peel Regional Police and Community Partners Launch Autism Strategy
On May 2nd, 2023 Peel Regional Police, in collaboration with Jake’s House and other autism community partners, announced the launch of a strategy to strengthen how police can best serve the autistic community in Peel. The strategy, believed to be the first of its kind in Canada, was developed through a highly collaborative approach between Peel Regional Police and many community partners invested in achieving the best outcomes for autistic individuals. These partners include: Autism Ontario, Community Living Mississauga, Developmental Services Ontario, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, ErinOakKids, Jake’s House, Kerry’s Place, the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Peel Behavioural Services, Peel Crisis Capacity Network, the Peel District School Board and the South Asian Autism Awareness Centre.